Testimonial-Carol H.

Here is what Carol H. of Clovis has to say about Fresno Acupuncture and TCM clinic:

After having a bad fall I began to have symptoms of numb foot, burning in one of my legs, blood pressure shot up and down like a yoyo, headaches, tired all the time, and severe back pain.  My insurance sent me for an MRI, results were three herniated disks and a tear, neck injury.  I was prescribed pain killing drugs for the rest of my life.  I am 71 years old.  I knew that would be a life of deterioration for me.  Our insurance offered acupuncture, so I opted for that.  After one treatment a month and almost two years later I have less pain with no pain drugs.  My overall health has improved; my back only has pain occasionally when a change of climate or too much bending.  I recommend acupuncture to anyone who has back or neck pain. 

It works! 

Carol H., Clovis, CA
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